2023 Pleasures of Panama Fundraiser

Our annual "non-raffle" fundraiser in 2023 was a record success! We sold all 200 tickets, and also received donations of $7,245 for a total amount raised of $27,245.  Here are our prize winners:

  • Grand prize - trip to Panamá - Barbara & Karen Rubinstein
  • 2nd prize - San Blas Islands - Allison Skae
  • 3rd prize - Bocas del Toro Tranquilo Bay Eco Lodge - Tom & Lynn Duncanson

We charge only $20 per dog and $10 per cat.  Our costs are over $25 per animal - for a clinic of 200 we are short by over $2,500. So, we rely on donations and fundraisers to support us.  You can donate through any of the options shown at the right.

Amigos de Animales was started in 2005 as a direct response to a need in the Boquete community. At the time, there were packs of street dogs and feral cats roaming the streets and there was no access to, or information about, sterilization for these animals.

Through March 2023 we have spayed or neutered 24,433 animals – 12,817 dogs and 11,616 cats. The impact on the health of animals and humans is measurable. Rarely does one see packs of starving, fighting dogs roaming through the streets of Boquete, as one might see in other small towns throughout Central America. This has greatly enhanced the relative livability and safety of our community at large.

Thank you to all who donated!  Thank you to Carol Cardinale-Santana for her incredible effort making this such a huge success!  And thank you to our wonderful prize sponsors!